June - Bacne & Chest BOGO

June - Bacne & Chest BOGO

BOGO: When you book a Bacne Treatment with us this month, you'll receive a Chest Treatment FREE.

Bacne & Chest BOGO

Get rid of back acne! Our Bacne Chemical Peel + Blue Light Therapy treatment is your solution to active acne and reducing acne scarring for smooth, and refreshed skin. Our skin therapists will work with you to create a customized chemical peel designed for your unique skincare needs. After your chemical peel, Blue Light Therapy is used to kill P. Acnes Bacteria on the back!

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Book An Appointment Now

IMPORTANT: Upon purchase please allow 1-2 business days for your promotional gift certificate to arrive in your inbox. Please call us at 905-397-7075 to mail the certificate to you (free) or email us at info@claraderma.com




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